The Ancient Secrets of the Earth’s Depths Revealed in the Philippine Sea

Lớp phủ là lớp bên dưới lớp vỏ và cũng là lớp có vai trò đặc biệt quan trọng trong hoạt động địa chất của Trái Đất

The Earth’s inner layer, also known as the mantle, plays a crucial role in the planet’s geological activities. Scientists from China and Japan have recently made intriguing discoveries about the unique characteristics of the mantle beneath the Philippine Sea, as reported by SciTech Daily[^1^].

Unraveling the Earth’s Mysterious Depths

The mantle is an essential layer of the Earth, believed to be not only the final destination for subducted tectonic plates but also the birthplace of mantle plumes that play a significant role in the evolution and material cycling of both the Earth’s surface and its interior^2^.

However, much remains unknown about the dynamics and flow patterns within the mantle. A seismic study conducted beneath the Philippine Sea has revealed abnormal high-velocity regions at depths of 700-1,600 kilometers. Two of these anomalies, located at 700-900 kilometers, were identified as ancient mantle plumes dating back approximately 50 million and 40 million years ago, respectively^3^.

Hai vùng dị thường H1 và H2 là 2 dòng chảy lớp phủ cổ xưa vô tình được bảo tồn bên dưới mảng biển Philippines

These ancient mantle plumes, known as H1 and H2, have surprisingly remained preserved beneath the Philippine Sea, unaffected by recent geological activities. This discovery provides concrete evidence of the functioning of the Earth’s mantle^4^.

Understanding the Earth’s Evolution

Studying the mantle’s dynamics and properties contributes to a better understanding of the Earth’s geological evolution and enables predictions of future planetary changes. The recent research led by GS Fan Jianke from the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, published in the scientific journal Nature Geoscience[^5^], unveils new insights into the mantle’s role in shaping our planet’s geology.

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By unraveling the secrets hidden beneath the Philippine Sea, scientists have gained valuable knowledge about the Earth’s mantle and its influence on various geological phenomena. This understanding paves the way for future advancements in geology and accurate predictions of planetary changes.

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[^1^]: SciTech Daily: The Ancient Secrets of the Earth’s Depths Revealed in the Philippine Sea

[^5^]: Nature Geoscience: Research on the Earth’s Mantle Beneath the Philippine Sea